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Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

All your questions about Family Tree Printing answered.

Chart Designing and Printing - Frequently Asked Questions

If you would prefer us to design your chart for you using the data file from your favourite family tree program or a gedcom file then we will be happy to do this. Please telephone 01302 288722 to discuss your requirements.

How to Create and Save your Chart as a PDF file
PDF documents in their simplest form are just images of documents that may be read by a universal reader such as Adobe Reader. If you click on one of the links below where we tell you how to create a PDF you may notice that our instruction sheets are sent to your browser in the PDF format.

Converting a family tree diagram into a PDF document is relatively straight forward and it enables you to give us a file that will look just the same when it is printed as it does on your screen. The only limitation for a PDF document is its length cannot exceed 3.5 metres (about 12 feet).

If you already have your file designed then you may upload it now and we will send you an email suggesting what size of paper would be best and we will direct you to the correct product to order on our website. If you have already determined the dimensions of your PDF document then you are welcome to just go ahead and place your order. We should be able to despatch your order to you the within one working day of receiving your PDF.

Learn how to create a PDF from your family tree program on your computer

If you need help or further information about creating a printed family tree please contact us. charts@my-history.co.uk

How do I get my gedcom file from Ancestry?

Instructions for downloading a gedcom file from Ancestry.
PDF instructions

How do I get my gedcom file from Find My Past?

Instructions for downloading a gedcom file from Find My Past.
PDF instructions