Product Description
(Supplied on a CD)
The title page was missing from this rare and fragile book when we acquired it so the details of the author, publisher and original publication date are missing. It is dated to circa 1835 as the latest dates mentioned are in April 1834 and there are references to His Majesty William IV (died in 1837). Contents are: Jersey, its situation, &c; Approach to the Island; Fortifications; Climate; Soil; Produce; Mineral Springs; Roads; Trade; Religion; Tithes; Endowments; Manners, &c; Military and Civil Government; Officers appointed by his Majesty; The States; Royal Court; Ecclesiastical Government; The Impots; Customs' House; Consular Service; General Post Office; Foreign Post Office; Table of Miles; Banks; Coin; Agents to Assurance Companies; National School; St. Helier's Parochial Sunday School; Providence School; Great Union Road School; Union Infant School; Church Missionary Association; District Committee of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge; Female Auxiliary Bible Society; Benevolent Society; British Union Society; Philanthropic Society; Friendly Provident Union Society; Caesarian Laudable Friendly Association; Liberty Union Reform Society; Seaman's Friend Society, &c; Agricultural and Horticultural Society; Lodges; Sea Bathing; Medical Profession; Hotels; Boarding Houses; Places of Public Worship; Rites and Ceremonies; Public Library; Newspapers; Royal Saloon; Library and Reading Room; Literary and Scientific Institution; Baths and Reading Room; News and Clubs Rooms; Amusements; New Theatre Royal; Assembly Room; Government House; Government Office; Court House; Hospital; Board of Health; Provident Society; Hermitage; Market; Fish Market; Weights and Measures; Vegetable Market; Cattle Market; Royal Square; Prison; Jersey Royal Militia; Chamber of Commerce; Harbour; Passage Vessels; Signals; Economy of Living; The 12 Parishes; Commercial Directory of St Helier; Shipping; Produce of Jersey; Town Police; Country Police; Laws, Customs, Privileges &c.
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