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Family History Society - UK

Family History Society - UK

Getting involved with your nearest Family History Society (FHS) will enable you to meet many others who are researching their own ancestors. You may also find it worthwhile to become a member of a distant Family History Society in cases where many family members originate from a particular locality.

Contact you nearest Family History Society

Family History Society - Scotland

We list here web sites connected with Scotland which we feel are quality sites for Family Historians.

Scottish Genealogy
If you want o find out more about this country then this is a good place to start.
GENUKI - Scotland

Links for Beginners

GENUKI - Getting started in Genealogy
This site has an excellent section for beginners of family history as well as links to many genealogy databases and services.

More Family History Links

All these links have been checked by our staff and have been chosen for their relevance to UK genealogy. The descriptions about the links are mainly our own and have not been supplied by the site owners.

Your local Family History Society (FHS)
Getting involved with your nearest FHS will enable you to meet many others who are researching their own ancestors. You may also find it worthwhile to become a member of a distant FHS where many family members originate from a particular locality.
Contact list for your nearest FHS:

Federation of Family History Societies
Most local Family History Societies belong to this organisation which has even more links and some publications for sale.

Guild of One Name Studies (GOONS)
This organisation may be of use if the name you are researching appears in their list.

Latter-day Saints Online - Family History Centres
This web site is one of the better known destinations for genealogists as the Mormon Church in Salt Lake City has one of the largest collections of data in the World. As weel as an On-line service they have local centres with the databases for you to visit here in the UK.
About LDS Family History Centres

Documents Online
From the National Archives: Here is a site that contains access to over one million probate copies of wills of everyday men & women (1384-1858)
The National Archives

Achievements Ltd
Achievements Ltd based in Canterbury is the leading international research organisation devoted to all aspects of genealogy, heraldry, history and associated artwork. They have experts who can take the slog out of researching your family tree. www.achievements.co.uk

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International Family History Links

A note of caution about USA subscription sites
Ancestry.com, Findmypast.com, Rootsweb.com, Genealogy.com, Genealogy.org and Myfamily.com all offer monthly subscription services that may be paid by credit card. Note many of these sites cover both American data and data from all over the World but if you search the internet you will find the same organisations have other sites covering smaller geographic areas such as UK only or Australia etc.

Social Security Death Index - USA
Find your American ancestors in the USA social security death index

The Genealogy Home Page

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Genealogy Mailing Lists

These lists are excellent for getting help with your family history research. Once you have subscribed to them you are free to ask questions and get replies about your ancestors in particular locations. You will also see the requests and answers of the other subscribers so you might just spot links to your own ancestors in an email. Perhaps you also have access to information that could be useful to others. We have listed the website addresses for mailing lists for Yorkshire and Lancashire for the time being, although you will also find the equilvalent for all areas of the UK.

A mailing list just for Sheffield.

Full Index of Mailing Lists
Genuki have an excellent page on thier site that links to most (if not all) the UK mailing lists for genealogy.
Genuki - Mailing lists

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UK Websites of Special Interest

This is our section for UK sites we feel deserve special attention due their relevance for anyone researching their family history.

Family Chest
Allan and Brenda Azzaro at Family Chest have begun the daunting task of cataloguing thousands of old original documents in the hope that they can be reunited with descendants of the originators. They now have for sale hundreds of original parchment manuscripts relating to transactions that marked important milestones in the lives of people living in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries in England and Wales.

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Family History Genealogy Courses

Courses in Your Area
We have compiled a list of courses around UK where you may learn more about tracing your ancestors from experienced tutors.
Click here for more information about Genealogy Courses

Distance Learning Courses
If you fancy an online course in tracing your ancestors here is a site with some specialist genealogy courses.

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DNA Testing

Family Tree DNA
By far the most popular company for doing DNA testing appears to be Family Tree DNA. In 2015 they are being recommended by many genealogists doing one name studies that have tried out their services and have been happy with the service they have received. They also have a service for starting a DNA based study of a particular surname. This USA based company has set up a uk website specially for customers in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Please click here for more information about Genetic Testing

Professional Genealogists

Professional Genealogists in the UK
This is our recommended list of professional Genealogists who will charge a fee for their services. However they are extremely helpful in the way they charge for their services and are an excellent option if you are short of time or find yourself hitting a brick wall in a particular line of your ancestors. Each of them is likely to be an expert in their own locality and are likely to have knowledge of many more resources than the average famaily historian. If your require a more extensive list of genealogists we suggest you try the Society of Genealogists.

London & National - Anthony Adolph
Anthony Adolph is a professional genealogist, broadcaster and writer. As a freelance professional genealogist, he provides a complete range of services from one-off searches to full scale projects to trace family trees in Britain and abroad, and investigates all aspects of surname origins, heraldry, house histories and much more besides.

National - Debrett Ancestry Research
Debrett Ancestry Research was established in the 1970s as an offshoot of Debrett's Peerage. They offer fixed-price programmes of genealogical research, carried out to the highest professional standards, in all parts of the United Kingdom and Eire. Full details are shown on their website:

Buckinghamshire - Findtree Family Research - Dr Sarah Halton
Findtree was founded in 2007 by Dr Sarah Halton. Sarah has 10 years experience in historical research and has a doctorate in Medieval History. Her thesis concentrated particularly on family structure and the family tree in medieval europe. She started Findtree as a service after noticing she was frequently cornered at parties by people who needed help and advice to start or continue their own family tree research.

East Midlands & Yorkshires
Alison Stephens is a Professional Genealogist based in Birmingham running her own Genealogy business. She has been researching her own family history for over 35 years, as well as helping clients overcome brick walls and undertaking family history projects on their behalf. She specialises in researching the Midlands areas, but will also undertake research in all areas of the UK. Alison is an Associate member of AGRA (The Association of Genealogists & Record Searchers in Archives), where she agrees to abide by a stringent Code of Practice and Ethics, and a student member of RQG (Register of Qualified Genealogists).

Yorkshire (South) - Ian Marston
Ian has been involved in Family History Research for over twenty years. He is a member of AGRA (The Association of Genealogists & Record Searchers in Archives). By employing a member of AGRA to undertake research on your behalf you can be sure that your researcher is experienced, has proven competence, and has agreed to abide by the Code of Practice.

South Yorkshire - Avin Hickling
Alvin has been doing genealogy for many years before turning his hobby into a business in 2011 so he has a wealth of experience both pre and post internet era. Any size of commission undertaken.

Contact: Contact
Tel: 07931 892924

Yorkshire (Leeds)- Graham Audus - Who Do I Think I Am?
For friendly low cost family research. Searches from only £5 per hour. Contact Graham to discuss your personal requirements free of charge.

Telephone: 0113 216 8214
Mobile: 07969 435 747
Email: graham.audus@ntlworld.com

Family History Search and Probate Research Services
Census Searches Ltd is a family history, international probate and genealogical research service which has been formed by genealogists who have the knowledge and expertise gained from over twenty five years of working from records in this highly specialised field.

Professional Genealogy Services based in Scotland

Sorry no professionals registered for with us for Scottish research. Please email us if you wish to be in this list.

Professional Genealogy Services based in Italy

Genealogia Familiare
Clemente Suardi is a professional genealogist based in Italy who also provides services to English customers looking to collect research on their Italian relatives.

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Genealogists Specialising in Probate Research

The following professionals specialise in locating the heirs of estates:

Family Wise Ltd
Family Wise Limited specialises in probate and intestacy research (‘Heir Hunting’), locating missing relatives, private investigation and professional family history research around the world..


Other Genealogical Services

Old maps, Chart printers, Surname Maps, Photo restoration, Audio restoration, Frame supplies etc

The Old Map Company
If you are looking for some authentic looking reproduction maps to enhance your family tree presentations then this is an excellent place to start looking for UK maps. Site has "Old County Maps of Elizabethan England & The Empire of Great Britain" amongs its many offerings.

Precious Voices
Precious Voices specialise in the rescue of the sounds of the past, preserving them for generations to come. Tape recordings were never meant to last. Tapes can become stretched, broken or damaged by magnetic fields and over time tapes can finish up unplayable. Precious memories are lost forever. This company specialises in transferring your precious memories, whether the voices of your children when young, long departed relatives or rare musical recordings onto audio compact discs.

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Family History Magazines

Family Tree

Click to visit the website of the 'Family Tree' magazine Family Tree is a leading British magazine in the growing family history and genealogy market. It offers a unique blend of authoritative and friendly advice, with something for beginners and experts alike. www.family-tree.co.uk/

Who Do You Think You Are?
Click to visit the website of the 'Who Do You Think You Are?' magazine Who Do You Think You Are? magazine is a leading British magazine in the growing family history and genealogy market. It offers a unique blend of authoritative and friendly advice, with something for beginners and experts alike. www.whodoyouthinkyouaremagazine.com

Buildings/House History

Are you interested in the history of your home or other premises. Uk based historian specialising in buildings history can research and produce a writtem report specifically on your home.

my house history
Interested in the history of your house. Get a superb portfolio of maps centred on your own house. The "my house history" portfolio, provides a personalised and unique dossier tracing the history of your home and property from as far back as the mid 19th century through the various editions of OS maps and concludes with a spectacular aerial photograph - all centred on your home!

Building Histories
Are you interested in the history of your home or other premises. UK based historian Penny Olsen of the research workshop, will research and produce a written report specifically on your home.
Penny Olsen of the research workshop, uk researches and writes histories of buildings.

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Australian Links

We list here links to Australian specialists that may be of interest people reseacrhing relatives in that region.

Unlock the Past
Unlock the Past is about promoting history, genealogy and heritage in Australia and New Zealand. It is a collaborative venture involving a team of expert speakers, writers, organisations and commercial partners throughout Australia, New Zealand and overseas.
Unlock the Past

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Northern Ireland Links

We list here links to Northern Ireland specialists that may be of interest people reseacrhing relatives in that region.

Ballymoney Ancestry - Norther Ireland
In recent years, Ballymoney Borough Council has measured a considerable increase in inquiries from families researching Northern Ireland Genealogy in this region. In response to this, and with the assistance of the EU Programme for Building Sustainable Prosperity, they have provided an excellent website as a free, on-line resource.

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